CraftGround Development Guide

This guide provides instructions for setting up the CraftGround development environment, modifying .proto files, formatting the code, building the project, and running tests.

Table of Contents

Adding a New Parameter

To add a new parameter to CraftGround, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the corresponding .proto file in proto/ directory.
  2. Regenerate the .proto files using protoc.
  3. Modify Python files in craftground/ to support the new parameter.

Code Formatting

Consistent code formatting ensures readability and maintainability.

Installing Formatters


brew install ktlint clang-format google-java-format

Ubuntu / Debian

sudo ./ 19
sudo apt install clang-format-19
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-format-19 /usr/bin/clang-format

Running Formatters

Option 1: Using

source ./

Option 2: Running Formatters Manually

git ls-files -- '*.h' '*.cpp' '*.mm' | xargs clang-format -i
git ls-files -- '*.java' -z | xargs -0 -P 4 google-java-format -i
ktlint '!**/com/kyhsgeekcode/minecraftenv/proto/**' --format

Managing .proto Files

Proto files define the communication structure between Minecraft and CraftGround.

Generating Proto Files

Option 1: Using

source ./

Option 2: Running protoc Manually

cd src/
protoc proto/action_space.proto --python_out=craftground
protoc proto/initial_environment.proto --python_out=craftground
protoc proto/observation_space.proto --python_out=craftground
protoc proto/action_space.proto --java_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/ --kotlin_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/
protoc proto/initial_environment.proto --java_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/ --kotlin_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/
protoc proto/observation_space.proto --java_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/ --kotlin_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/


Protobuf Runtime Version Error

Error Message

google.protobuf.runtime_version.VersionError: Detected incompatible Protobuf Gencode/Runtime versions when loading proto/initial_environment.proto: 
gencode 5.29.1 runtime 5.27.3. Runtime version cannot be older than the linked gencode version.
See Protobuf version guarantees at


pip install --upgrade protobuf

Development Setup & Build

CraftGround development requires Conda, Java, CMake, and C++ build tools.

Setup (Conda, Linux)

conda create --name craftground python=3.11
conda activate craftground
conda install gymnasium Pillow numpy protobuf typing_extensions psutil pytorch ninja build cmake
conda install -c conda-forge openjdk=21 libgl-devel
conda install glew
python -m build

Building the Gradle Project (C++ and JVM)

cd src/craftground/MinecraftEnv
./gradlew build

Building Only the JVM C++ Component

cmake --build .

Running Python Unit Tests with Coverage

To ensure code quality, run Python unit tests with coverage reporting.

Install Dependencies

python -m pip install coverage pytest

Run Tests with Coverage

cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
cd ..
ln -s build/*.dylib craftground/src/
ln -s build/*.so craftground/src/
ln -s build/*.pyd craftground/src/
PYTHONPATH=./build:src coverage run --source=src/craftground -m pytest tests/python/unit/
coverage report