Observation Space
The observation space represents the agent’s perception of the Minecraft environment, including visual input, player state, entities, blocks, and other relevant data.
Usage of Observation Space
The observation space is returned as a dictionary containing structured information about the environment.
obs, info = env.reset()
obs: Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, "torch.Tensor"]]
obs["full"]: ObservationSpaceMessage # Full structured observation data
obs["pov"]: np.ndarray | "torch.Tensor" # Visual observation (RGB image)
: Contains the complete structured observation data (ObservationSpaceMessage
: Contains the primary visual observation as an RGB image (NumPy array or PyTorch tensor, depending on thescreen_encoding_mode
The main observation structure, containing all relevant environment information.
Field | Type | Description |
image | bytes | Primary visual observation (RGB image). |
x, y, z | double | Agent’s position in the world. |
yaw, pitch | double | Agent’s orientation. |
health | double | Agent’s health level. |
food_level | double | Agent’s hunger level. |
saturation_level | double | Agent’s saturation level. |
is_dead | bool | Whether the agent is dead. |
inventory | repeated ItemStack | Items in the player’s inventory. |
raycast_result | HitResult | Information about the block/entity the agent is looking at. |
sound_subtitles | repeated SoundEntry | List of detected environmental sounds. |
status_effects | repeated StatusEffect | List of active status effects. |
killed_statistics | map<string, int32> | Map of killed entities and their counts. |
mined_statistics | map<string, int32> | Map of mined blocks and their counts. |
misc_statistics | map<string, int32> | Miscellaneous statistics. |
visible_entities | repeated EntityInfo | List of entities currently visible to the player. |
surrounding_entities | map<int32, EntitiesWithinDistance> | Entities within specified distances. |
bobber_thrown | bool | Whether a fishing bobber is currently in use. |
experience | int32 | Agent’s experience points. |
world_time | int64 | Current in-game time. |
last_death_message | string | Message displayed when the agent last died. |
image_2 | bytes | Secondary visual observation (if applicable). |
surrounding_blocks | repeated BlockInfo | Blocks surrounding the agent (3x3x3 grid). |
eye_in_block | bool | Whether the agent’s camera is inside a block. |
suffocating | bool | Whether the agent is taking suffocation damage. |
chat_messages | repeated ChatMessageInfo | Chat messages received. |
biome_info | BiomeInfo | Current biome information. |
nearby_biomes | repeated NearbyBiome | List of nearby biomes. |
submerged_in_water | bool | Whether the agent is fully underwater. |
is_in_lava | bool | Whether the agent is touching lava. |
submerged_in_lava | bool | Whether the agent is fully submerged in lava. |
height_info | repeated HeightInfo | Heightmap data of the surrounding terrain. |
is_on_ground | bool | Whether the agent is standing on solid ground. |
is_touching_water | bool | Whether the agent is in contact with water. |
ipc_handle | bytes | Handle for inter-process communication. |
depth | repeated float [packed=true] | Depth buffer information. |
Represents an item in the player’s inventory.
Field | Type | Description |
raw_id | int32 | Unique identifier for the item. |
translation_key | string | Item’s display name translation key. |
count | int32 | Number of items in the stack. |
durability | int32 | Current durability of the item. |
max_durability | int32 | Maximum durability of the item. |
Represents a block in the world.
Field | Type | Description |
x, y, z | int32 | Block’s coordinates. |
translation_key | string | Block’s display name translation key. |
Represents an entity (mobs, players, etc.) in the world.
Field | Type | Description |
unique_name | string | Unique entity identifier. |
translation_key | string | Entity’s display name translation key. |
x, y, z | double | Entity’s coordinates. |
yaw, pitch | double | Entity’s rotation. |
health | double | Entity’s health points. |
Represents the result of a raycasting operation.
Field | Type | Description |
type | Type | Type of hit (MISS , BLOCK , ENTITY ). |
target_block | BlockInfo | The block hit by the raycast (if applicable). |
target_entity | EntityInfo | The entity hit by the raycast (if applicable). |
Represents an active status effect on the player.
Field | Type | Description |
translation_key | string | Status effect name translation key. |
duration | int32 | Duration of the effect in ticks. |
amplifier | int32 | Strength level of the effect. |
Represents a sound event detected by the agent.
Field | Type | Description |
translate_key | string | Sound translation key. |
age | int64 | Time since the sound occurred. |
x, y, z | double | Location of the sound source. |
Represents entities within a certain distance from the agent.
Field | Type | Description |
entities | repeated EntityInfo | List of nearby entities. |
Represents a chat message received by the agent.
Field | Type | Description |
added_time | int64 | Timestamp when the message was received. |
message | string | The chat message content. |
indicator | string | Indicator for the message (currently unused). |
Represents the biome the agent is currently in.
Field | Type | Description |
biome_name | string | Name of the biome. |
center_x | int32 | X coordinate of the biome’s center. |
center_y | int32 | Y coordinate of the biome’s center. |
center_z | int32 | Z coordinate of the biome’s center. |
Represents information about nearby biomes.
Field | Type | Description |
biome_name | string | Name of the biome. |
x, y, z | int32 | Coordinates of the biome’s location. |
Represents height information at a specific location.
Field | Type | Description |
x, z | int32 | Coordinates of the location. |
height | int32 | Height value at this position. |
block_name | string | Name of the block at this height. |